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Books available for purchase from Ewelme Village Store.

Emelme, A Romantic Village, its past and its people by Miss E M Prister Cruttwell, Revised 2021, £4


Glimpses of an Oxfordshire Village.  Ewelme 1900-2000, Edited by Anne Chisholm £7


Ewelme School, a history and guide  £3


Ewelme Church, A History and Guide £5


The Writing on the Hearth,  a novel

by Cynthia Harnett, £10


Views of Ewelme, Church, Cloisters, Chilterns

by Terry Allsop £14.99


Ewelme Watercress Beds by John Legh, revised 2021. £5


Our Stream, the Story of the Ewelme/Benson Brook

by David J Solomon £7




Books available to view
at the Village Archive


A History of the County of Oxford (Victoria County History) Vol. XVIII ed. Simon Townley.  Published for the Institute of Historical Research by Boydell and Brewer 2016

Other books about Ewelme or its historic characters

Katherine by Anya Seton. 1954.


Oh! To Be in England by H. E. Bates pub. 1963.


Memorial to the Duchess by Jocelyn Kettle. 1968


Katherine Swynford by Alison Weir. 1994


God's House at Ewelme: Life, Devotion and Architecture in a fifteenth century Almshouse, by

John A A Goodall. 2001


The English Friend: a life of William

de la Pole, First Duke of Suffolk by

Susan Curran 2010


Peasant Perceptions of Landscape by

Stephen Mileson and Stuart Brookes. 2021


Alyce Chaucer 1: The Serpent of Division

by Christina Hardyment. 2022

Alyce Chaucer 2: The Book of the Duchess by Christina Hardyment. 2023


De La Pole Father and Son.  The Duke, the Earl and the struggle for power by Michèle  Schindler. 2022.


What is better than a Good Woman? Alice Chaucer, commoner and Yorkist matriarch by Michèle  Schindler. 2024.


Ewelme, a Hundred Years of Change

MP4 on stick drive.  Running length 23 mins. Produced by Lisa Holmes

Narrated by Jeremy Child.   Copyright:  Ewelme Society 2001

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